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Friday 21st May 2021

Talk homework: Tell your adults what you have learnt about the things plants need to grow. Can you remember all the different plants you have grown in school. 

Lucas is enjoying learning how to tell the time in maths. We can tell the time to the nearest quarter of an hour just using the hour hand. Freddie is now really enjoying his writing. The whole class have concentrated on trying to join their handwriting this week. In science, we drew our runner bean after watching it grow for 20 days. We had watched it grow in a see through bag to see exactly how the root and shoot form. Then we planted them in soil and hopefully we will watch them grow even more. Kiki has enjoyed learning all about life in the workhouse and over the next week we will be making a fact fil containing everything we know about the workhouse. Sofia has loved joining in, in PE this week as preparations for sports day continue. Reenie enjoys regular trips to the reading shed to swap her book. On May 20th it was World Bee Day, so we found a page in 'The Big Book of Bugs' all about bees. We made a fact file to explain how important bees are to our planet. 

Have a great weekend

Sessions class