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Talk Homework:

Explain to your family how you made your bread? What did you enjoy most about making your bread?

When they tried it, what did they think about the flavour that you added to it? If you were to make it again, what would you change?

We have had great fun making bread today. We spent the morning making the dough and kneading it, adding in the flavours that we wanted to. We had a range of different flavours, including:cheese, garlic, fruit, chocolate and caramelised onions. It smelt amazing when we got it out of the oven and tasted just as amazing (apparently).

In maths, we have been learning about lines of symmetry, although we found it tricky at first, we persevered and have really got he hang of it.

In English, we have learned about where Jim is now, and we are starting to understand the anguish that he must be facing.