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23rd April 2021

Talk Homework- Try to find a pattern within your home. What is the repeat? Can you find any symmetrical patterns?

Reading- Please, please hear your child read at least 3 times a week for 10 mins and record in their reading log. This is so important to help them continue to make progress with their reading.


This week has been all about Stanley Stick. It is a beautiful story in which Stanley finds a stick which becomes his best friend and playmate. All of the children have found their own BFF stick this week and found creative ways to play with them. This has in turn led to some really amazing writing.

In maths, we have found, copied, completed, created and repaired muddled up repeating patterns. The children even looked at creating symmetrical designs in buildings and by making folded butterfly prints. 

For nature school this week, the aim was to find the location of a selected minibeast. The children were great at considering which sort of habitat the different creatures would most likely choose to live in eg. a slug in a damp dark area in comparison to a ladybird being in the sunshine on a leaf. 

For phonics we have continued to learn consonant blends  with st, sk and sc at the beginning of words.

Our Bounce Forward story has been all about feelings and recognising that feelings do change and sometimes you can experience happy positive thoughts, which may turn to calm or angry or sad at any moment and that is OK. We talked about using sometimes needing your own space if you feel a little angry.