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Friday 23rd April 2021

Talk homework: Look for different plants in your garden or when you're out and about. Which do you recognise and know the names of. 

What a difference the sunshine makes! We have been able to spend much more time outside for our lessons which we have all enjoyed. 

I have been so impressed with the children's writing, they are becoming so independent and challenging themselves with the words and sentences they are choosing. 

We have been looking at division as sharing and making equal groups this week and got to spend the lesson outside investigating different numbers and how many groups we could share equally for that number. 

For Global learning we have started looking at zero hunger and talked about where food comes from and how different farms were in the past. We did some paper weaving to understand how baskets would have been made- lots of fun and a very quiet classroom when they were all concentrating so hard. 

In Science, we are looking at plants. First we explored the field to see what plants we could find then we came back and painted some fruit. We have learnt the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees.