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Friday 23rd April

Can you find quarters and halves around your house?

Lucas is enjoying our new book in English called Zeraffa Giraffa. This week we wrote a letter to the Great Pasha to tell him whether we thought he should send the baby giraffe to the King of France. Sonny has enjoyed learning all about dragon fruit in our whole class reading sessions. We are reading The Boy Who Grew Dragons and it's very interesting. Sofia is loving her maths at the moment because she likes working with numbers. Kian  is liking our class assemblies outside on Fridays because he gets to see the children in Thunberg class. Claire has enjoyed doing a spelling test this week because she likes learning how to spell new words, well done Claire. Ethan A as always has enjoyed his P.E. sessions. Daniel has gone home this week and discussed our English lessons with his sister which is just lovely. 

Have a fantastic weekend

Sessions class