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Outdoor learning

We have been developing the use of our outside space in Sessions class. Earlier in the year we planted some daffodil bulbs which are now beginning to grow. We repurposed an unwanted tyre to grow them in along with some primroses. To think about how a daffodil grows from a bulb and to observe the parts of a plant, we drew some 'old' daffodils that had flowered and died. We could see the roots, bulb, stem, leaves and flower.

We are learning that plants grow from seeds and bulbs. We identified pumpkin, sweetcorn, sunflower, radish, beetroot, pea and borage seeds. We discussed which would grow into vegetables and which would be flowers. To further explore the seeds we conducted a seed sort and the children chose to sort according to colour, size, shape and whether they would roll or not.

Then we got to work practising our teamwork skills and set them hopefully we can watch them as they grow (see picture at the top of the blog). 

We have also started to design and build a bug house and we will post a picture when the children have finished it.

We are really happy to report that the conkers (which we learnt are big seeds) that we set before Christmas when the weather was much colder, are now growing too!

Finally we were gifted some bird houses which you will see high up on the wall outside our classroom and some strawberry plants that we have set. Maybe we will have some birds visit our nest boxes but hopefully they will not eat our strawberries!