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16th April 2021

Talk Homework- We have been learning about 'time' this week. Discuss the things we have learnt- days of the week, months, seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, morning, afternoon, evening, night. We have also played 'What's the Time Mr Wolf' with o'clock times. You could try this at home.

This week we enjoyed the magical story of the Bog Baby. We each created our own Bog Babies using playdough. This magical story inspired us to do some incredible writing with character descriptions and speech bubbles. We also had a debate about how the children in the book behaved and whether they had done the right or wrong thing in telling fibs and then choosing whether or not to return the baby to it's natural habitiat.

In maths we have learnt all about time. It has been very impressive to see how quickly the children picked up the days of the week and months of the year songs.

For nature school we spent a wonderful afternoon log rolling and hunting for minibeasts.

We have also done a lot of singing this week, including learning 'He's Got the Whole World in his Hands' and listening to Incy Wincey Spider in French.

We have been very excited to begin our Bounce Forward, Think Equal learning. This week we read a story called 'Marvellous Me' and have recognised that no ones skin is simply white or black but instead that we are all beautiful shades of brown.

Below is an overview of your child's learning for the topic the half term of 'Down at the Bottom of the Garden'.