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Friday 16th April

Talk homework: Look around your garden with an adult to see what is growing. Can you spot a plants that is grown from a bulb. Tell your adults what you have grown from seeds at school this week.

Beau and Freddie love to do P.E. with Miss Lizell, They enjoy it because they know it's important to stay fit. This term they are looking forward to rounders.  Reenie has enjoyed finishing her self portrait this week, thinking carefully about where to place her nose, mouth, ears and eyes. In English we have started a new Power of Reading book called Zeraffa Giraffa. Kiki found the first page very interesting and we also predicted from items in a story bag, what the story might be about. Kian would just like to say that he has enjoyed everything about coming back into school and going to a group with Mrs Collins. Ethan A has enjoyed learning about measure in maths likes to measure things at home too.