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Friday 26th March

No talk homework over the holidays. Please wear P.E. kit on Mondays and Wednesdays for the summer term.

This week has been busy as usual. We have taken our learning outside even more with the good weather. Throughout the week, over three sessions the children have written their stories based on their own imaginative characters and plots. All of the stories capture a witch along the way. I was incredibly impressed with the story plots they came up with. They have also amazed me at how much they have been able to write even after not having been in school for so long. They are natural story tellers. The children's arithmetic skills are really developing and we have been practising our methods this week to help us to be confident when we need to add and subtract numbers. There has been great excitement, as we have completed our Skills Builder Project called 'A Dream Space'. The children have practised their team building, creativity, aiming high and staying positive skills, whilst planning, designing and constructing a bedroom in a shoe box. As a team the children had to agree on a theme to the room and be aware that what they designed they needed to be able to build. It was a pleasure to watch the  children work so well with their classmates, whilst overcoming any hurdles in their way to make very imaginative models. 

We hope you like your Easter cards!

Happy Easter

Sessions class.