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19th March 2021

Talk Homework- We will be creating our Super Hero costumes next week. Discuss your chosen super hero name, power and costume ideas.

This week we have explored non fiction texts and learnt about local super heroes including Police, Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Refuse collectors and Teachers. It has inspired lots of lovely writing and role play. We were fortunate to have a remote visit from a maternity care worker and a first aid trainer and we got to ask them questions about their jobs.

In maths we have been focusing on digits 17, 18 and 19 and have played games to sort odd and even numbered Easter Eggs. Today we did so well with writing our digits accurately making sure they are the right way around.

Our super hero artist of the week was Lichtenstein. We enjoyed looking at his pop art style of work and created our own buildings using paints. 

In RE we finished the Easter story by learning about Jesus rising again on Easter Sunday. In PSHE we learnt about the importance of sleep and how we can help with this by having less screen time before bed, having a relaxing bath, singing lullabies and enjoying stories to help us fall into a deep, relaxing 11 hours sleep. 

Today, the children all looked amazing in their Red Nose Day hero costumes. A great way to end a very busy week.