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Friday 19th March

Talk homework: With your adults measure some items around your house in centimetres (cm) and metres (m). Talk about which items are best measured in centimetres and which items are best measured in metres.

Today was Red Nose day and the children looked amazing in their costumes. Kian and Imogen loved to dress today. Kian was as a policeman and they arrested Mrs Tarpey!  Freddie was an Avenger! Reenie has enjoyed starting to learn about self portraits. We tried our first self portrait by just using our memories of what we look like. Lucas has really enjoyed planning a story that we will be writing next week. Dylan T is enjoying learning how to measure in metres and centimetres. George has been perfecting his alphabet this week with Mrs Collins. Kara loved to go outside and make a model of the life cycle of a butterfly using things from nature. Scarlett enjoyed trying to mix paints to match her skin tone, it was not easy. Beau loves PE with Miss Lizell where they are learning to play football and concentrating on good tackling.

Have a great weekend

Sessions Class