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Friday 12th March

Talk homework: Start thinking about the plot for your story where your good character needs to trap and catch a witch. Talk to your adults about how this can happen. 

If you are self isolating next week there is a daily outline of work attached below for you to follow each day to continue your learning.

Ethan D has enjoyed PE this week when he ran around the track to warm up. Reenie enjoyed making a bug house habitat in our outdoor area this week. Freddie liked making a Mothering Sunday card at school this week (sshhhh secret!) Scarlett has loved inventing two characters for her story that we will be writing next week. Beau was really good at building 3D shapes and counting the faces and edges on them. Claire enjoyed learning about 2D shapes this week too. Sonny is really enjoying listening to our story of Rapunzel. On Friday afternoon we went outside and created maps with chalk to show the journey that the Titanic was planning to make, which the children loved.

We have now all settled back to our routines and the children are loving being back with their friends.