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Friday 11th December 2020

Talk Homework: Tell the Nativity story to your adults at home.

We have had a lovely Christmassy week in Sessions class. Everyone has loved making their Christmas hats which were really good. We have also started to make our Christmas cards too and enjoyed a yummy Christmas dinner on Wednesday. A highlight of the week was a trip to the church to sing our Christmas Carol which we have recorded for the school website.

In maths we have continued to add and subtract 2, two digit numbers and have worked on combining coins to make similar amounts.

In whole class reading we have finished reading Cops and Robbers and today we wrote a book review to reveal our opinions of the book.  

We have been learning all about contractions in English and we are beginning to understand how, when and why we use them.

We made police badges in art and also did some reading and writing assessments.

I have no idea how we fitted all of this in to one week but I think we all deserve a restful weekend.

Your children have done you proud this week.

best wishes

Mrs Tarpey and Sessions class.