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Talk homework - What do you think life was like in the 'Stone Age'?

Mathletics - Matheletics has been set and all the children have their passwords stuck in reading diaries.

Reading - We have all start on our reading programme Accelerated Reader (AR). Our target is to pass our quizzes this half term.

Welcome back!!!

We have had a great first week back. I have enjoyed our arithmetic lessons (Mickey), developing our addition and subtraction knowledge.

In Mathematics I have enjoyed learning about place value (Leyla) and we are now learning to partition three and four digit numbers.

Our first Science topic is 'Rocks', I have enjoyed exploring the rocks with a magnifying glass (Georgia).

Topic this half term is the 'Stone Age'. We were able to order events chronologically, doing a human timeline (Nathaniel).

In English we have chosen our new Power Of Reading text, 'The pebble in my pocket'. We have enjoyed starting to explore what is changing; and the journey pebbles go on (Oliwia).

Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )