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Friday 4th December

Talk Homework: Learn you song words

This week Ethan would like to start off the blog. He thoroughly enjoyed writing a diary entry today. We all pretended we were Philip from The Magic Finger. We imagined what it was like to be a bird and to fly to collect sticks to make a cosy nest. It was very difficult to hold an apple in our beaks and we definitely didn't want to eat worms! To start our diary entries we got in our nests under the tables and began to write......

Kara wants to tell you just how brilliant we all were in maths today. Everybody could add together 2, two digit numbers where we had to cross a tens barrier e.g. 26+19=

In P.E. Beau loved doing cartwheels with Miss Lizzel.

Claire has liked learning her year 2 common exception words and she told me she enjoyed her test!

Freddie liked it when we made a friendship web around the room and we also made a recipe for a friendship soup. They are definitely a friendly bunch!

Sonny would like to end the blog by telling everyone he enjoyed finding the nearest police station on a map of Huntingdon.

Have a fantastic weekend

Sessions class