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27th November 2020

Talk homework: Please practice our Christmas song:

Thank you for those who have brought in materials for building cars, please make sure they are in school by Monday. 

In English we are continuing with the Jolly Postman and made some amazing posters to sell things to fairly tale characters.

We are doing a project about the postal service in a few weeks so although we will not be having a school Christmas postbox children can bring in Christmas cards for other children in Year 1 from Tuesday 1st December. 
All cards will need to be in school by Wednesday 9th December so we can sort them for our project. We will then quarantine the cards before being sent out to the children the following week.

We are continuing to learn about addition and subtraction within 20 before we move on to larger numbers later in the year. We have been looking at tens and ones this week. 

We have quite a few cardigans and jumpers with no names on. Please ensure all their children's items are named so we can return them to you. 

Have a great weekend.