Friday 16.11.18
Mathletics, reading and talk homework.
Talk homework: Predict what happens next in our text 'The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane'.
Valarie - I enjoyed BMBT.
James - I designed a new bank note. It was lots of fun. I chose Rosalind Franklin as my inspirational scientist.
Jacob - I've enjoyed working in maths to complete my calculations. Mrs Anderson was so impressed she gave me a house point for my teamwork.
Greta - I've made the most of reading this week, snatching every opportunity I can so that I can pass my A/R quiz.
Alex - I loved creating my design for the new banknote. I chose Isaac Newton as my scientist.
Isabella and the rest of the class had a lovely time in school, looking at the wide array of pyjamas everyone was wearing. Bedtime should be easier all round tonight!!
Have a great weekend
Earhart class