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Friday 02.11.18


Mathletics, reading and talk homework.

Talk homework: Science - to be emailed via the office.

Valarie and Grace enjoyed art this morning because they liked decorating the Christmas tree. 

Charlotte enjoyed our maths this week. We have been adding using column addition. We can now add up to 3 digits confidently. We also started practising our 8 times tables.

James has really loved meeting Edward Tulane in our new English book. We are looking forward to the 'miraculous journey' he goes on and the adventures it will bring.

Eden is looking forward to the challenge that has been set in assembly this morning. By the end of the year, Earhart class need to do enough laps on the track to get us all the way to Prince Edward Island in Canada. Mrs Anderson sincerely hopes the prize will be a school trip there!!!

Bella has enjoyed Computing this week. She understands the importance of staying safe online.

We hope you have a great weekend,

Earhart Class