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Friday 13th November 2020

Tell your adults about the parts of the David Attenborough documentary that you have watched in class.

In English, Ethan D enjoyed learning about animals that are declining in number when we watched David Attenborough's film. Ethan knows David Attenborough is angry because all of the people aren't looking after the world. Now, we are planning to write letters to David to tell him that we are doing our bit to help the planet. Daniel has really liked to sound button his alien words this week and blend the sounds out loud to read the words. Ethan A always enjoys P.E.but he especially enjoyed this week when we practised our dribbling skills in football. Scarlett has enjoyed maths this week when we have been learning to add a 2 digit number and a 1 digit number together, e.g. 15+6=    We had to find 10 ones and exchange them for a ten. Reenie liked making a wool poppy in assembly to help us remember the soldiers who died in the war.

Have a fantastic week end

Sessions class