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Friday 16th October 2020

Talk Homework: Tell your adults about protected species, e.g. bats, Skylarks and Great Crested Newts.

Wow another full, busy week.

Everyone has worked super hard again this week. We have learnt about number bonds to one hundred, and we have used our number bond knowledge to find related facts too. We have started a new book in English which links to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Today, we retold this traditional tale as a whole class. Ask your child to tell you this story at bedtime tonight. In Global Learning we have researched facts about protected animals including, bats, hedgehogs, Skylarks and Great Crested Newts. In science we drew a picture of the classroom and labelled all of the things that we could see that were alive, dead and that had never been alive. We have continued to work hard to recap all of our phonic phase 3 and 5 sounds.

Have a lovely weekend

Sessions Class