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Talk homework: see if you can spot some signs of the season changing. 

What a great week in Year 1!

Thank you for bringing in some wonderful donations for the Godmanchester food bank, we had a huge pile of donations from Year 1 which will be very appreciated. 

In maths we have had an amazing week using part part whole models and we are now moving onto using them to help with addition. 

In English we started the week by writing a postcard to Beegu, then we wrote our own ending to the story. We finished the week by painting our salt dough Beegu friends, they were very colourful! 

In Global learning we compared the differences between Buckden School in the past and in present day. Ask us to tell you some of the differences we discovered.

In computing we looked at Mircrosoft teams and how it could look like if we have to do home learning. We also had a go at logging onto Numbots and played some of the games, well done to those who have managed to log in at home and have a play of the games. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Sandham and Mrs Butcher