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Friday 9th October

Talk homework: Talk to your adults about what a noun is.

Dylan and George have enjoyed learning all about hedgehogs ( in whole class reading) and finding out where they live (habitat) and why they are declining in number. Today, Thomas learnt all about the 'ue' sound and the 'u-e' and then did a word search to try to find lots of words with that sound. Reenie is enjoying her maths and can find related facts to make a fact family. Claire and Lucas wrote a thank you card to show their appreciation after our key stage assembly. Freddie can count to 20 in French and now we are practising counting to 31. Sonny has loved learning about the oo sound with Mrs Collins this week. We went outside to create some outdoor art in the style of James Brunt and you can see one of our pictures above. We also used our play dough to make words with the 'ie' sound in them. Another busy week!

Thank you for all of the donations for the food bank.

Have a fantastic weekend

Sessions class