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2nd October 2020

Home Learning Week 2

You have been amazing with last weeks learning from home. We really cannot thank you enough for all your hard work and dedication. It has been wonderful seeing all your faces. The second week we will continue the pattern of Zoom teaching sessions. Again we have set two tasks for your children to complete each day and where appropriate photos of their learning/ work can be sent to our email address We can’t wait to see you all again in person on Monday 12th October 2020.

We will add to the blog any additional documents which may help your home learning each day which you can print at home if you liked.

Please attend the Zoom sessions each day which you have had the times and logins emailed separately to you.

Additional daily tasks.


Activity 1

Activity 2


RE – Harvest

Have ready a food item to bring to our virtual harvest festival. Talk about what the word Harvest means. Watch


Before the 2pm Zoom session.

Finger prints

Did you know everyone’s finger print is individual? That means no two people in the whole world are the same!

Have a go at finger painting and try to look carefully at the imprint of your fingers. Maybe you could make a finger print tree painting and ask other members of your family to add their prints and you can explore how they each look.         



Mind UP brain parts

Colour in the Amygdala, Hippocampus, Prefrontal cortex. To be completed after 2pm Zoom session. Resource to print will be on blog page if you wish to use.

Practice writing your name.

Can you use cursive script? Can you use a capital letter to start and lower case letters for the others? Can you make the letters all the same size? Can you hold the pencil with a tripod grip? Can you make each letter stay on a line?


Skills Builder


Check how often you and your family accidentally interrupt one another.

You could keep a tally chart record and see who needs to improve the most in your homes! J


Funky fingers!

Try something that will make your fingers work. This could be using scissors to snip paper, straws, wool or playdough. It could be popping bubble wrap. It could be using lego or doing some colouring.

If you have playdough you could try



Watch Boogie Beebies and learn this dance.

We will all have a go together at 2pm.


Can you count a group of objects to 10?

Try counting your sets of toys eg. Cars or pieces in a puzzle. What is the total? Can you write that digit?

Resource to print on blog page if you wish to use.


French/ Music

Sing Frere Jacques


Choose one success or piece of work to share at 2pm Zoom session.



Use post its or pieces of paper with s a t p written on them.

Which words can you create with these letters eg. Pat, ta etc.

Can you make a list of all that you find?




Should you have any questions about the home learning please message us on the EYFS email above. We will put blogs on the school site and see our class page which can access by scrolling down the home page to Comstock class blog.