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Friday 25th September

Talk Homework: Count to 20 in French

Another busy week in Sessions class,

Claire has enjoyed remembering the phonic sounds air, ear and ure.

Scarlett is enjoying maths at the moment and has particularly liked remembering how to use the > and < signs.

Dylan has enjoyed trying to do a voice over a documentary film this week in English. It was quite tricky but we persevered and managed to do some very good voice overs.

Sonny and Kara have enjoyed reading instructions of how to make lemonade.

Ethan A has enjoyed learning about Sir David Attenborough in Global learning. We wrote a biography in pictures all about his life.

Beau has learnt how to count to 20 in French.

Lucas has enjoyed learning how to do coin rubbing of 5 pence pieces. We then practised counting in 5s using our coin rubbing.

In Science we sorted and grouped animals based on their features.


Have a great weekend

Mrs Tarpey