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Friday 18th September

Talk homework: Retell the Creation story and tell your adults about the picture you drew to show what happened on day 6.

Your child has an Abacus log in, in their reading journal to access interactive maths games.  Abacus can be accessed here:

Please read with your children at least three times a week and fill in their reading journals - thank you

Kate Sessions class has settled brilliantly into the new school year. The children have got used to our classroom and the new school routines really well. We are very lucky to have an outdoor space that we use regularly and our classroom is spacey with plenty of hand washing facilities. Your children are a credit to you all and I have been very impressed with their ability to organise their own things, their manners and their great attitude to learning.

The children wanted to tell you about our week:

Kiki wanted to tell you that she has enjoyed learning facts about lions and writing her own fact files about lions in English. Sonny has learnt that a lion's roar can be heard 8km away and Liv knows lions and tigers are the biggest members of the cat family. Scarlet has loved to show in maths that she can use >  < and = to compare 2, 2-digit numbers e.g. 42 > 39. In Global learning we are studying Goal 15 Life on Land. Claire has really loved talking about saving our trees and why trees are so important. In art we went outside to collect things from nature that showed the many shades of green. We then mixed paints to try to show a range of greens before using a sponge to print the leaves on a tree. In French we have been revising numbers 1-10 and  learning numbers 11-20. Beau enjoyed making an animal (a peacock) from a leaf to decorate our prayer tree. In R.E. we have learnt about the Creation Story and we drew pictures to represent day 6. We have sprinted and practised our throwing skills in athletics in P.E. In Science, we have considered what is alive, dead and never alive and we went outside to collect objects that were dead or had never been alive and we appreciated everything alive in nature. 

Hope you have a fantastic weekend

stay safe

Mrs Tarpey and Sessions class.