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A busy first week back!

We have continued with our Polar Regions Topic and looking at Habitats in science.

Stanley has enjoyed starting our Christmas Art for the art competition. We have practised observational drawing of leaves then used this skill on our pictures. If you would like to enter the competition you can finish the art at home, continuing to use the skills we practised in class.

Thomas has enjoyed using conjunctions in English this week. Emily enjoyed trying to find conjunctions in our reading books when we were using our detective skills.

William H enjoyed using 100 squares in maths. We were using this to add 2 digits up to 100.

Dylan enjoyed comparing coins in maths today. We made sure that we all knew our coins up to £1.

Alfie enjoyed Science this week, where we were sorting animals in different ways.

In RE we talked about what makes us special and whether this is something that can be seen from the outside.

Have a good weekend!