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15th November 2024

Home work- read at home a mimimum of three times a week and record on Boom Reader app.

Complete some time on Numbots, an adult may tap the answers in to aid with speed when your child tells you the correct answer.

This week, as part of our Celebrations topic, we learned all about Remembrance Day. We drew pictures of poppies, read books to help us understand Remembrance Day and made poppies out of loose parts. We had some historical artefacts that we explored to help us understand some of the experiences of people during the wars.

In PE we have been using the wall bars, which are brand new. The children have loved practising their gymnastics skills and developing their strength and balance. They particularly like fearlessly climbing super-high and making the grown ups a little bit nervous!

In phonics we have learnt the sounds l, ll and ss as well as the tricky red words 'he', 'she' and 'is'. When we are learning our red words, we say-spell-say and clap the letter names as we spell. If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to speak with Mrs Woodward or Mrs Heal.

In maths, we have been learning about the composition of numbers up to 5, using the part/whole model.