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Friday 15th November

Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Monday.  You are free to complete any of the other practice tasks - we can see how hard you are working!

Make sure you are reading at home every day for a minimum of 20 minutes with at least one session per week reading aloud to an adult.

Our spellings this week have been: committee, curiosity, especially, apparent, guarantee, lightning, parliament, recommend, soldier, vegetable.

Freddie:  In PE this week we have continued to develop our football skills. We played uneven-sided games on a small pitch and were focussing on dribbling the ball through the goal to score - so we were showing control of the ball.

Lucas: I enjoyed letter writing in English this week.  We wrote in role as Alfie and were asking Kalena (who had been sent away to the Isle of Man) what life was like for her.

Jacob: On Remembrance Day we attended the service at the War Memorial in the village.  We have also been learning about why war memorials are important in communities.