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Week 4

Spellings: potential, essential, substantial, influential, residential, confidential, preferential, torrential, circumstantial, impartial

It's been a fun week as we've learnt about the Maya number system in history, barriers to education in geography, and we've written some impressive diary entries. Going forward, editing our writing will be a focus so that we can begin to correct our own grammar and punctuation as we re-draft. Next week, we'll be learning how to write an informal letter and how to use relative clauses. 

In Science, we learnt how the Earth is 'approximately spherical' as it bulges from the equator as it rotates and orbits the Sun. We also explored the history of the Earth and how it was once thought to be flat. 

In Maths, we've been working on efficient mental strategies for addition and substraction before looking at the formal column method for 5-digit numbers, next week.  

Please practise spellings for Monday's quiz, whether that's using the sheet provided or a method that works for your child. Alternative methods are games such as filling in the missing letters, rainbow or bubble letters, putting them into sentences, look/write/cover/copy and spell it out loud. 

Please can Birdwing bring in materials for their collages next week. After today's lesson, everyone should have a clear idea of what they need. 




Image courtesy of Unsplash. Agence Olloweb.