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Friday 4th October 2024

Spellings: treasure, pleasure, measure, leisure, closure, pressure, exposure

TTRockstars 3 x 15 min

Reading every day please!

Another busy week in Year 3. In English, we wrote diary entries pretending we were a pebble that had been on a really long journey. Whilst reading Pebble in my Pocket, we learnt that the pebble's journey started when a volcano erupted and rocks were thrown through the air. The rock became part of a mountain which was exposed to harsh weather and eventually the rock was slowly broken away and after millions of years the pebble was found on a beach!

In maths, we have started to advance our addition skills, and we have made sure we are confident at adding ones, tens and hundreds. 

In Science, we learnt about igneous rocks which linked brilliantly to our understanding of the rocks in 'Pebble in my Pocket'. We now know a few types of igneous rocks and what they might be used for in everyday life. 

We have continued to practise our cross stitch and running stitch in DT and today in art we concentrated on the 'Form' element of art. After learning what form meant we became sculptors to show how creative we are.


Have a fantastic weekend!