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Friday 27th September

Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by Monday.  Remember to read every day, with 1 session per week reading aloud to an adult.  Your spelling words this week are: accompany, explanation, rhythm, average, conscience, develop, symbol, immediately, necessary, privilege.  Make sure you know how to spell these and are ready for our quiz on Monday.

Thomas:  I enjoyed Science this week.  We have been looking at how animals adapt to their environment and have been thinking about how woodpeckers don't get concussions.  We did an investigation where we had to design a case to protect an egg from breaking when it was dropped from a height (like the woodpecker's skull protects its brain).  We had lots of fun designing our cases and many of us were successful.

Lucas:  In PE we have been developing our tennis skills.  We learnt how to be in the ready position and how we had to change position when we were hitting the ball.

Chase:  I enjoyed Maths this week.  We have been solving problems involving addition and subtraction.  I have got better at adding large numbers.