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Olave Baden-Powell Class Blog Friday 28th June

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Our learner of the week is Charlie Irons.  Well done!

Mathletics has been set.

What a truly amazing week this has been!  We have all thoroughly enjoyed Science week but we are ready for the weekend.

Here are some of the highlights!

It all began with a cracking launch assembly where some teachers carried out some wicked experiments.

Did you know that it takes about 450 years for a plastic bag to decompose and 1000 years for a mobile phone?

We also enjoyed a story all about the life of a plastic bottle, used to hold purchased water.  Did you know that it started its life as crude oil?

Well done to Sydney, Joel, Dexter and Lauren for winning the KS2 Engineering challenge.  They built the tallest tower out of newspaper and masking tape (not Cellotape as it is made of plastic).

We spent a whole day designing and carrying out an investigation on the strength of plastic bags.  We investigated, transparency, stretch and how waterproof they were but to mention a few.

We also had the opportunity to turn plastic into pounds! We designed and made lots of different products (prototypes) out of recycled plastic.  We made: Lazy Man (a cat feeder), Plas Planter (vertical garden), Up Holder, Lords of Lead (pencil holders), Cherry Tree (sweet holders), Bunt Use (bunting), Shading Shander (lamp shade) and Horse Holder (desk tidy).