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Friday 24th May

No formal homework over the holiday's but try and keep up with reading!

What a week! It seems to have flown by! 

This week Glennie class have explained what they did in their lessons:


'We wrote our Lob stories that had to be linked to gardening'- Mila

'And we all did at least one page!'- Joseph


'Today we learnt about money and pounds and pence'- Ava T

'At the start of the week we finished about non-unit fractions'- Jude


'we learnt about what was in the stone age and the bronze age'- Thea


'We learnt about all of our body parts'- Isla

'And about our pants!'- Jude


'In DT we were making our cereal bar wrappers'- Isabella


'We also finished our fairtrade posters and made them more collagey'- Olivia E

'We also put on a sheet that explained what fairtrade is'- Edmund.

Have a lovely holiday and we will see you on the 3rd!