Friday 24th May
Please ensure that you learn your lines and words to songs for our play over half-term. For rehearsals after half-term, we expect you to know all your lines so we can rehearse without scripts. Tracks to the songs are attached below to help you practise.
The children have been given costume ideas today and a copy of these are attached below. Please think about your costume over the holiday and bring it into school (named and in a bag which can be kept on your peg) on Monday 24th June.
There are no tasks set on SATs Companion, but please do have a go at practice tasks at home, to ensure you keep your skills fresh and are ready for Year 7.
Annabelle: In English today, we got to choose an inanimate object and had to write about it's dreams. Such as what they wished for and feared. I enjoyed the freedom to be creative with my ideas and am really proud of the work I produced.
Ida: We have been learning about Slums in Geography. We understand why they form and understand what life is like for people living there.
Bella: This week we have started rehearsals for our play! I am really excited to get going after half term and start staging our performance.