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Friday 21st September 2018

Talk Homework: Discuss the Harvest themed art work you completed this week. Discuss what collage means.

We have had a really busy start to the Autumn term in Roddick class. The children are settling in well and are working really hard. It has been lovely to welcome three new children to Buckden school and to our class.

We have been learning all about Place Value in maths. This has covered reading and writing numbers to 100, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, representing numbers and ordering and comparing numbers. Our learning has been active and conducted outside whenever possible. We have represented numbers by printing using base 10 resources and paint. We also practised counting in 2s , 5s and 10s by answering problems using lego and paints. In our afternoon extra arithmetic lessons, we have practised adding 2-digit numbers and ones (e.g. 14+6=, 16+8=, 23+7=, 34+7=), adding 3 1-digit numbers and adding on 10 to any number.

Our current book is called, The Princess and The Bear King. The children have enjoyed reading this story and we have written directions about The Princess's journey with the bear. We made perfect golden crowns for the Princess and described them in our books. We have also written character descriptions describing the princess's appearance and her personality.

In R.E. this half term we will be studying Creation. The children drew what they think happened on day 6.

In science lessons we will be learning about animal habitats and conducting exploratory activities to utilise our working scientific skills.

In preparation for our visit to St Mary's church on Monday morning we have produced pictures to show. The skills we practised were making a tonal range, observing a picture closely to inform our own art and collage. The children's pictures are all very different and are all really good.

Our Topic this term is The Polar Regions. We have viewed The Polar Regions on Google Earth and in maps.

We have also practised our handwriting regularly, learnt how to spell words that have the 's' sound spelt with a c, thought about who we trust in PSHE and practised counting to 20 in Spanish.

Looking forward to next week already!

Have a great week end!

Mrs Tarpey and Roddick class.