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Friday 22nd March

Please remember to do your TT RockStars homework (3 x 15min) and to read at home (3 x 20min).

Spellings: daily, truly, slyly, happily, shyly, drily, fully. 

What a busy week! 

We've been having fun exploring 'The Varmints' by Helen Ward by writing our diary entries from the perspective of the main character. We've also been discussing what our version of paradise might look like and drawing pictures of our ideas. 

Our big challenge this week was completing our maths arithmetic paper and our maths reasoning paper. All of the children tried really hard and should be very proud of themselves; especially as some of the content we had only just been introduced to!

The children had great fun having the climbing bars out in PE and also starting work on their final pieces for their Art. 

Importantly, this week we have been learning what to do in emergency and risky situations. The children were taught the rules of Dr ABC. Also what to say if they have to phone 999. 

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 3