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Homework - Reading, recording on Boom Reader  

- Spelling; compare /s/ /c/ /ce/ -common exception word. eye - homophones, piece/peace 

- Maths, use Numbots

Hayley - we've enjoyed English because we learnt about Rapunzel and how she might trap the witch so Rapunzel can escape. I enjoyed computing because we were doing scratch and learning how to programme a sequence. 

Delilah - we've enjoyed Maths and learning about thirds (and halves and quarters). 

Geogiana - we've enjoyed English learning about Rapunzel and watching a clip from Tangled. 

Willow - We've enjoyed leanring about Frog Lifecycles in Science and we have some frogspawn so we watch how it changes. 

Sophie - I've enjoyed reading because when we were learning about Cat Capone and Moxie Mouse, I liked when it said that Cat Capone dreamed about riding his bike and Moxie wanted to sail on a boat. 

Emily - I've enjoyed RE when we were learning about the Easter Story. With the last dinner, Judas and the Cross. 

Louie - I enjoyed Music when we were using the Glockenspiels and playing the D and C notes.