Friday 9th February
Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to revise any other practice tasks on different areas of Maths or SPaG which you feel less confident in. We can see who has spent time doing this, and how accurate your answers have been.
Remember to read every day with three sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult. We will be checking your progress against your AR Target next Friday.
If you would like to find and print any images to use in your balanced argument (linked to your topic), please bring them into school by next Wednesday. A maximum of 3 images each, all smaller than 8x8cm.
Logan: I have really enjoyed our English lessons this week. We are writing a balanced argument and have been given the freedom to write on a topic of our choice.
Cali: This week in PE we played Benchball. We had to think about positioning in order to maintai possession of the ball, as well as tactics linked to attacking and defence.
Ida: In PSHE we have been learning about the effects alcohol. Not just the effects on our bodies, but also how it can alter our behaviour and also the impact it can have on others. It was really interesting.