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Baden-Powell Blog: Friday 21st June

Our learner of the week is Harvey.  Well done and keep it up!

Mathletics has been set.

It is Science week next week and we need as much clean plastic and newspaper as possible.  Can you help us with this please?  Also, it would be helpful if a few children could bring in torches.

In Mathematics we have been looking at statistics, in particular line graphs.  Our Science investigation today on puddles (child made ones) allowed us to draw line graphs to present our results.  In Global Learning we have been looking at George who is an entrepreneur from Langa, a township near Cape Town.  We have been writing blogs (in role) as George.  Talking about writing in role, in English we have been putting ourselves into different characters’ shoes.  In our Big Write we wrote as if we were the lead wolf from The Wolf’s Footprint by Susan Price.

On Thursday two groups (of Year 4 children) went to Cambridge University to show their model cars off.  They did really well and represented the school with pride.

Finally, we met baby Corey on Tuesday, when Mrs. Farmer came for a visit.  He was so cute!

Bon weekend!