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Friday 12th January

Spellings: vein, weigh, eight, neighbour, sleigh, freight, reins.

Another great week in year 3. 

We have continued to read 'Why the Whales Came' and have met a key character, 'The Birdman'. We have followed Gracie and Daniel through a whole day when they went off exploring and had their first encounter with the Birdman. The children are captivated by the characters in the book and are planning to write a diary entry from the viewpoint of their favourite character so far.

In maths, we are exploring the relationship between multiplication and division and how we can use the inverse to check a question. We have concentrated on multiples of two, five and three so far.

In science, we read the story of Rodger the Rock to consider how over time a rock can be eroded and weathered to eventually become soil. 

In RE we learnt all about Karma, the children considered how Hindus believe that good choices lead to good consequences. 

We looked at the seas surrounding the British Isles in Geography. We used a key to paint the different bodies of water in different tones of blue and labelled them.

With great excitement, we started to choreograph our first dance routine for our song in our play. 

Have a great weekend, Year 3.