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Friday 12th January

Spellings for next week: Words ending in -al/-il      e.g. metal, pupil

Common exception words: father, past, fast, last

We have loved our new English book 'The Lonely Beast' and have had lots of fun making freeze frames, acting it out, predicting what will happen and finally making a diary entry as the Beast. In maths we have been continuing with shapes and looking at different 3D shapes and their properties. 

PE was popular this week. We played netball on Thursday and enjoyed shooting at targets and learning to pivot. 

Ruben: I liked playing netball and shooting at the buckets.

Jack: I enjoyed making 3D shape top trump cards in maths.

Emily: I enjoyed English, when we were learning about the beast and making freeze frames.

Ruby: I enjoyed history, where we drew a picture of what it would be like in the great stink and labelled it.

Talin: I enjoyed spellings.

Millie: I enjoyed doing art, drawing the great stink.

Annie: I also enjoyed art because I really liked using the pastels because you can put one colour on the paper then put another colour on top and use your finger to smudge them together to make a nice pattern.