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Friday 5th January

Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Wednesday. Remember to read for 20 minutes every day, with at least 3 sessions in the week reading aloud to an adult.

Ensure you can spell this week's spelling words, and are ready for our quiz on Monday: plentiful, fearful, beautiful, merciful, faithful, boastful, doubtful, thankful, fanciful, pitiful.

Austin:  I really enjoyed Music this week where we have been learning about sea shanties.  I thought that the songs were mainly used for boosting morale, but now I know that sailors also used them to help them work together e.g. keeping time when pulling a rope to get the job done quicker.

Cali:  This week in PE we started our unit of work on Gymnastics.  We recapped different ways of travelling, practised various balances and also refined how we perform a bridge.

Bella:  In Science we have been learning about Carolus Linnaeus.  He was a scientist who developed a theory for Classification.  We learnt about his theories and also researched some information about him and created our own factfiles.