15 December 2023
Talk homework- Enjoy this time with your children. What they come back from the break and tell us about are the games they've played, the friends and family they've visited and the time spent with you. We can't wait to hear about it!
Reading- Continue to read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom reader app.
We spent this week focusing on our Skills Builder activity: Brilliant Bakes. The children were put into teams and they learnt about the skills of Teamwork, Positive Thinking and Problem Solving. They then needed to exhibit these skills as they designed a bakery and their speciality baked goods. It was very exciting to use the new cooking equipment donated by the PTA, but the highlight was definitely eating their "home-baked" brownies and cupcakes!
We also had our school Christmas Dinner and the children looked amazing in their Christmas jumpers, enjoying a special lunch created by our fabulous cooks.
In PSHE, we learnt about the Jewish holiday Hanukkah and we reviewed all the celebrations we learnt about this half term and we thought about what they all have in common.
On behalf of all of us on the EYFS team, thank you for the cards and the gifts. We wish you a very happy Christmas and a restful break and we look forward to seeing you and your children in the New Year!