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Friday 1st December

Talk Homework: In maths we have been looking at addition and subtraction, can you challenge yourself and do the 8 fact families?

Please remember to log ALL of your reading on Boom reader. This is so we can ensure you child is reading the correct books.

Remember to go onto Numbots with your log ins and practice your maths.

Spellings: one, two, three, four, five

Please could children bring in any cereal bar boxes for their DT project.

In English this week we have started our new book, The Jolly Postman. The children are following the Postman's journey, we have written a letter to Goldilocks this week from Baby Bear.

In maths we have been focusing on our addition and subtraction. The children have been brilliant using the resources to help them work out the answers. Keep up the great work and use Numbots at home to support this.

In Science this week we enjoyed doing an experiment. We were looking at which classroom objects would float or sink. We spoke about everyday materials and what we predicted what would float and sink. The children really enjoyed taking part in the experiment.

In History this week we have been looking at how Buckden village has changed over the years. The children had to match up old and new pictures.

Have a great weekend!

The Year 1 Team