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Friday 10th November 2023

Spellings: redo, revenge, return, reaction, reappear, redecorate, replay

Talk Homework: Can you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of railways? Can you name some local train stations? Do you know which major cities these stop at?

Another great week in Year 3! We are so proud of how hard the children have been working, especially on their maths this week. In maths, we have been learning how to add and subtract, crossing tens within three digit numbers. In English, we have been focusing on procedural language and instruction texts. Our highlights include finding features within cooking videos and instructions on 'How to clean your elephant'. Today we identified these features and then followed instructions on how to make an origami dog! In geography, we have been learning about the purpose and importance of railways. We also plotted some major rail lines in the UK and the cities they connected. In RE, we compared two paintings of God and explored how each one depicted The Trinity, then recreated this ourselves. In PE, we have great fun learning netball skills and practising floor sequences in gymnastics. In History, we have researched Ancient Greece and are beginning to explore Ancient Greek inventions. In PSHE, we have been discussing assertiveness compared to bossiness and when it is appropriate to be assertive! In science, we have been exploring fossils, we loved reading the news article about the discovery of an Ichthyosaur in Rutland and ammonite rubbing too!

Happy Friday!

Year 3