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Friday 14th June

Happy Fathers Day (for Sunday)

Maths: We have been thinking about the position of different shapes and objects. The words that we have been using include; above, middle and below. Also we have been trying to learn our left and right and know a little trick using our hands to help us if we are stuck. Yesterday we started to learn about turns and have been practising our whole and half turns. 

English: Our new book is called Moth and we have been learning a little bit about moths. Over the next few weeks we will be able to learn a little bit more about them. 

Science: We did some close observational drawing of the flowers as they are alive. Once they die we will sketch them again to see the difference. 

Global Learning: We have been learning about where different fruit comes from. We had a list of fruits and a map and had to locate the different countries. We then explored the journey that bananas make in more detail.

Computing: This week we have been learning how to type on a keyboard. We typed a little sentence about ourselves.  

Spellings: We have been continuing to learn how to write numbers up to 20. 

We are looking forward to our trip next week!!