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3rd November 2023

Talk Homework- Do your family celebrate Bonfire Night? Do you have any traditions? Talk to your child about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot and see what they can remember.

Reading- read at least 3 times a week and log on Boom Reader app. Please remember to bring in reading folder on Monday ready for next weeks guided reading book.

We could not be more proud of how the children have returned to school. It was lovely to see all their happy faces on Monday morning. 

Our topic this half-term is Celebrations. This week our focus has been Bonfire Night. We learnt about the story behind this festival as part of our History. The children acted out the story and were very please when the plot was stopped and King James was saved. 

In phonics, we learnt the sounds h, b, f and ff. The children have now begun writing CVC words alongside their letter formation each day. They also did an exciting hunt for pictures which they then wrote the sounds they could here in the images using the say it, segment it, write it approach. 

We also explored pumpkins. First we chopped some open and collected the seeds. We also drew them and finally we used the tools to screw and hammer into them. This really challenged our fine motor skills.

In maths we have been learning about 2D shapes and their properties. We noticed how shapes can be combined to make new shapes like two squares becoming a rectangle. We also used positional vocabulary to challenge our friends to recreate the same multi-link tower by describing the position of the coloured cubes accurately for them to recreate.