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Friday 20th October 2023

Spellings: creature, adventure, sculpture, nature, picture, future, mixture

Talk Homework: How many different types of rocks can you find over the holidays? Can you classify them?

Have a go playing hit the button this half-term --> 

Friday is here again and our first half term in Year 3 complete! 

DT has definitely been a highlight for us, where we have researched, designed and made bookmarks using our cross-stitch and running stitch skills. We have also taken time to evaluate our product and discussed ways we might adapt it in the future to make it more specific to our target audience. In maths, we have started adding ones and tens to three-digit numbers which we will continue after the break! This half term we have thoroughly enjoyed Godly Play where we have learnt about different bible stories and presented these through role play. In PE, we had our last rugby session which was great fun! We played tag rugby matches together which prepared us for our interhouse competitions on Tuesday- congratulations to Hardwick house who won overall! We also had our last football session where we applied our skills through agility courses. In history, we have been comparing education from Medieval times and Ancient Greece. We learnt that they were similar because girls both learnt to weave, however, there were many differences... ask us about them! In science, we had great fun investigating the properties of rocks. We looked at whether they reacted to acid by fizzing, whether or not they are permeable and made close observations to describe their appearance. 

Happy half-term!

Year 3