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Friday 13th October 2023

Talk Homework: What is Autumn

Spellings: seat, meal, flea, beach, dreams

Please make sure you are logging ALL your reading on Boomreader. It is important for us to see you have been enjoying your reading at home (this does not just have to be school books, it can be home books too!)

The children have had a fantastic week this week. They have completed their final DT projects. It was great to see the enthusiasm the children had when tackling difficult parts of the challenge. The children helped each other and they all made some great free-standing tables.

In English, we are saying our Goodbye to Beegu, the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Beegu this term and have completed their Goodbye Postcards to Beegu as he has returned to space with his family.

In Maths, we have been working hard understanding the part-part whole model, bar models and number sentences. The children have worked so hard and started to challenge themselves.

The children have had another fantastic week in Year 1. We look forward to seeing you all next week at our parents' evening. Please make sure you have booked a slot by MONDAY.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 1 Team