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Friday 7th June 2019

Talk Homework
Active Maths
Daily Reading
Key Words

What an exciting week we have had. We have started a new book in our literacy lessons 'Splash' with the main character Anna Hibiscus. We have been to our sand pit and used it to imagine what it was like at the seaside. In Maths we have been counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. We have continued practising our different races in order to be ready by the time Sports Day comes. In our PD sessions we have been talking about where food is kept in our kitchen and why, this has lead us to conduct a science experiment to see what happens to different food when it has been left out. We are enjoying our new topic of 'Around the world in 35 days' we have visited European countries Spain, France and Italy, next week we will be going to the continent of Africa. The most exciting thing this week though is that we have been working in 3's to create our own shoebox cars, trying to get them to go as straight and far as possible.